Corporate governance
At PayPoint, the Board is committed to providing entrepreneurial leadership through good corporate governance and accountability for the benefit and protection of our shareholders and wider stakeholders. In compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Board has in place a sound corporate governance structure with clearly defined roles and responsibilities which are set out in the following documents:
Title | Download |
Articles of Association | |
Matters reserved to the board | |
Audit committee: Terms of reference | DOCX |
Market disclosure committee: Terms of reference | |
Nomination committee: Terms of reference | DOCX |
Remuneration committee: Terms of reference | DOCX |
Tax strategy | DOCX |
The terms of appointment for each non-executive director of PayPoint plc are also available upon written request to the Company Secretary, addressed to the company’s registered office.
The Board has endorsed principles and policies which promote best practice in corporate governance across the PayPoint group. These principles and policies which are reviewed regularly include:
Park Food Group Pension Scheme Statement of Investment Principles March 2023 | |
Environmental & Sustainability policy | |
Carbon Reduction Plan | |
PayPoint plc’s statement on ethical principles | |
Board policy on diversity and inclusion | |
Remuneration Policy | Link |
Gender Pay Report 2023 | |
Gender Pay Report 2022 | |
Gender Pay Report 2021 | |
Gender Pay Report 2020 |
Section 430 (2b) Notice is available for viewing here.
Registered Head Office and directors’ address:
1 The Boulevard
Shire Park
Welwyn Garden City
United Kingdom
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